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Elisabetta Zibetti

Maître de conférences en Psychologie cognitive à l'Université Paris 8


Current Position (since 2003): Maître de Conference (Tenured Associate Professor). Chair of General Psychology. Université Paris 8 – France. Researcher at CHArt- EA 4004 - Cognitions Humaine & ARTificielle, Paris-France (http://chart.ephe.fr)

Other Positions held:

  • 2002-2003 – Postdoctoral fellow: Stanford University.
  • 2001-2014 – Associate Researcher: GCAI - Universitad de Barcelona – (http://www.ub.edu/gcai/group/).
  • 2000-2002 – A.T.E.R. (Temporary Associate Researcher and Lecturer), Department of Psychology, University Paris8.
  • 1997-2000 – Doctoral fellow: Universitad de Barcelona.
  • 1995-2000 – Research Assistant: CNRS ESA-7021 Laboratory "Cognition & Activités Finalisées", University Paris 8.

Teaching: 18 years of face to face and e-learning teaching at the undergraduate, master and graduate level in France and Spain on several topics in Psychology, Science Education, Methodology and Human-Machine Interaction (Insitut d’Ensignement à Distance- Paris 8, Paris 6, Paris 10, Universidad de Barcelona, EPHE, ENSAD, SciencePo, Paris). 

Research: Problem Solving, Knowledge Acquisition, Human-Machine-Interaction; Human-Robots-Interaction.


Education background:

  • PhD in Cognitive Psychology: 2001 – Université Paris 8 (France) and Universidad de Barcelona (Spain)
  • MA in Psychology : 1997 – Université Paris 8 (France)
  • BA in Psychology : 1995 – Université Paris 8 (France) Erasmus (Spain)
  • Psychology Studies : 1989-1992 - Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy)
  • Scientific Liceum – 1989–Diploma of "Maturità Scientifica", Liceo G. Segré, Turin, Italy

Domaines de recherche

She currently do her research at the CHART-LUTIN exploring the psychological mechanisms allowing natural and artificial systems to understand and adapt to a specific situation, as well as to engage into collaborative interactions. Her research lies at the intersection of cognitive psychology and human-robot-interaction (HRI), investigating the psychological assessment of robots and more generally of a wide range of behavioral artifacts. She also uses robotics artifacts as a “mindtool » in order to increase and enhance human knowledge acquisition in theoretical and applied research field (i.e., education).

Contrats / etudes en cours

Project coordinator and principal investigator for her institution in several projects and topics that federate, academic research teams , industrial and local authority:

- Reducing school failure; empowering students learning abilities, engagement - tool development (Cap Digital-Eneide; SERIOUS GAME-Raspo; FP7-SIS – CAPACITIES- PriSciNet…..),

- Interpreting and understanding human actions as goal-directed behaviors (Labex-ART-H2H-Behaviors, CNRS (SHS)–SEEUID-Acacia; DURSI ACI; CNRS-ROBEA.)

- Improving human–robot collaborative interaction (CNRS TCAN-Herobot; Labex SMART-Eddhi,…).

Some projects links: 


Principales publications


Gaudiello, I., & Zibetti, E. (2016). Learning Robotics, with Robotics, by Robotics: Educational Robotics (Vol. 3). By ISTEL td and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. UK and US. ISBN: 978-1-78630-099-7.



  1. Levillain, F., Zibetti, E., (accepted, Jan 2017). Behavioral artifacts: The rise of the evocative machines. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction.
  2. Lefort, S. Lesot, M.-J., Zibetti, E., Tijus, C., and Detyniecki M. (accepted, Dec 2016). Interpretation of approximate numerical expressions: Computational models and empirical study. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
  3. Levillain, F., Zibetti, E., & Lefort, S. (2016). Interacting with Non-anthropomorphic Robotic Artworks and Interpreting Their Behaviour. International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-21.
  4. Ivaldi, S., Lefort, S., Peters, J., Chetouani, M., Provasi, J., & Zibetti, E. (2016). Towards Engagement Models that Consider Individual Factors in HRI: On the Relation of Extroversion and Negative Attitude Towards Robots to Gaze and Speech During a Human–Robot Assembly Task. International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-24. http://arxiv.org/pdf/1508.04603.pdf
  5. Gaudiello, I., Zibetti E., Lefort, S., Chetouani, M., Ivaldi S. (2016). Trust as a common indicator of functional and social acceptance. An experimental study on users’ conformation to iCub opinion. Computer in Human Behavior, 61. 633-655. arXiv preprint http://arxiv.org/abs/1510.03678.
  6. Zibetti, E., Carrignon, S., Bredeche, N., (2016). ACACIA-ES: an Agent-based Modeling and Simulation Tool for Investigating Social Behaviors in Resource-limited Two-dimensional Environments. Mind & Society, 15. 83-104.
  7. Eyraud, R., & Zibetti, E., Baccino, T. (2015). Allocation of Visual Attention while Driving with Simulated Augmented Reality. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 32. 46-55.
  8. Gaudiello, I., Lefort, S., Zibetti E. (2015). The ontological and functional status of robots: how firm our representations are?" Computers in Human Behavior 50, 259-273. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2015.03.060
  9. Gaudiello, I., & Zibetti, E. (2013). Using control heuristics as a means to explore the educational potential of robotics kits. Themes in Science and Technology Education, 6(1), 15-28. ISSN: 1792-8788. Available online : http://earthlab.uoi.gr/theste/index.php/theste/issue/view/14
  10. Gaudiello, I., Zibetti, E., (2013). La Robotique Educationnelle: Etat des lieux et Perspectives. Psychologie Française 58, 17–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psfr.2012.09.006
  11. Levillain, F. & Zibetti, E. (2012). Segmentation et perception intuitive dans la compréhension de l'action. Quels liens possibles? Proposition d'un niveau intermédiaire de représentation. L’Année Psychologique, 112(2), 277-308.
  12. Zibetti, E., Chevalier, A., & Eyraud, R. (2011). What type of information displayed on digital scheduling software facilitates reflective planning tasks for students? Contributions to the design of a school task management tool. Computers in Human Behavior 28, 591–607. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2011.11.005
  13. Salvador, F., Quera, V., Zibetti, E., Tijus, C., & Miñano, M. (2009). ACACIA: An agent-based program for simulating adaptive behavior to reach long-term goals. Cognitive Processing, 10, 95-99. http://www.springerlink.com/content/5054p68ug23173ul/
  14. Zibetti, E., Quera, V., Tijus, C.A., & Beltran, F. (2002). Reasoning Based on Categorization for Interpreting and Acting: a First Approach. Mind and Society, 14, 89-106.
  15. Zibetti, E., Poitrenaud, S., & Tijus, C.A. (2001). La construction de la représentation de l'action perçue. Intellectica, 32, 123-153.
  16. Tijus, C.A., & Zibetti, E. (2001). Le rôle du but et de l'objet dans la détermination sémantique des verbes d'action. Journal des Anthropologues - A. F. A., 85-86, 157-182.


Books chapter


  1. Zibetti, E., & Levillain, F, (2016). OFF ROAD : Profiling the artwork and the audience experience. In Bianchini, S. and Quinz, E. (Ed.). Behavioral Objects. A Trilogy. Vol III. A case Study : Céleste Boursier-Mougenot (pp. 125-159). Sternberg Press. (http://www.sternberg-press.com/index.php?pageId=1683&l=en&bookId=576&sort=)
  2. Bianchini, S., Levillain, F., Menicacci, A., Quinz, E., & Zibetti, E. (2016). Towards Behavioral Objects: A Twofold Approach for a System of Notation to Design and Implement Behaviors in Non-anthropomorphic Robotic Artifacts. In Laumond, J.P. & Abe N. (Eds.). Dance Notations and Robot Motion (pp. 1-24). Vol. 111 of the series Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics Springer International Publishing. (http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-25739-6)
  3. Bianchini, S., Bourganel, R., Quinz, E., Levillain, F, Zibetti, E. (2015). (Mis)behavioral Objects. Empowerment of Users vs. Empowerment of Objects. In Bihanic D. (Ed.), Empowering Users through Design. Interdisciplinary Studies and Combined Approaches for Technological Products and Services (p 129-152). Springer International Publishing. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-13018-7_8
  4. Zibetti, E., Eyraud, R., Chevalier, A., & Leproux, C. (2011). Les aides à la planification scolaire : quels besoins ont les élèves ? Quel rôle pour l'ergonomie cognitive? In J. Dinet & C. Bastien (Eds.), L'ergonomie des objets et environnements physiques et numériques. (pp. 245-278). Paris : Hermes Sciences Lavoisier.


 Conferences papers

  1. Lefort, S. Zibetti, E., Lesot, M.-J. , Tijus, C., and Detyniecki M. (in press 2017). Human-based dimensions for automatic interpretation of approximate numerical expressions: the case of “about”. Conf ACM- IUI http://iui.acm.org/2017/cfp.html
  2. Lefort, S. Lesot, M.-J., Zibetti, E., Tijus, C., and Detyniecki M. (2016). Interprétation floue des expressions numériques approximatives. In 25èmes Rencontres Francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (LFA). La Rochelle, France – 3 et 4 Novembre 2016.
  3. Lefort, S. Lesot, M.-J. , Zibetti, E., Tijus, C., and Detyniecki M. (accepté Mars 2016). How much is « about"? Fuzzy interpretation of approximate numerical expressions. In International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (pp. 226-237). Springer International Publishing. http://is.ieis.tue.nl/ipmu/
  4. Ivaldi, S., Peters, J., Chetouani, M., Lefort, S., Zibetti, E. , Provasi. J. (2015). Individual differences and social signals during a human-robot assembly task. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics - HFR 2015. Technische Universität Munchen (TUM), Munich, Germany, October 21 – 23, 2015. (p. 40).
  5. Anzalone, S., Varni, G., Ivaldi, S., Zibetti, E., & Chetouani, M. (2015). Automated prediction of extraversion during human-robot interaction. AIxIA 2015. 14th Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Ferrara 23-25 September 2015. aixia2015@unife.it
  6. Anzalone, S., Ivaldi, S., Varni, G., Zibetti, E., & Chetouani, M. (2015). Predicting extraversion from non-verbal features during a face-to-face human-robot interaction. AIRO 2015. 2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. 22 sept 2015, Ferrara, Italy http://airo2015.istc.cnr.it/.CEUR Workshop Proceedings ISSN 1613-0073. 29-39 Vol-1544. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1544/
  7. Rahbar, F., Anzalone, S., Varni, G., Zibetti, E., Ivaldi, S. & Chetouani, M. (2015). Predicting extraversion from non-verbal features during a face-to-face human-robot interaction. Seventh International Conference on Social Robotics. 26-30 October 2015, Paris, France. Springer 2015. pp.10. http://www.icsoro.org/icsr2015/index.html .
  8. Levillain, F., Lefort, S., & Zibetti, E. (2015, April). Moving on its Own: How do Audience Interacts with an Autonomous Moving Artwork. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 695-702). ACM. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2702973
  9. Gatt, S., Byrne J., Rietdijk, W., Dale Tunnicliffe, S., Kalaitsidaki, M., Stavrou, D., Tsagliotis N., Gaudiello, I., Zibetti, E., Scheersoi, A., Krämer, P., & Papadouris, N. (2014) Adapting IBSE material across Europe : Experience from the Pri-Sci-Net FP7 project. In C. P. Constantinou, N. Papadouris & A. Hadjigeorgiou (Eds.), E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference: Science Education Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning. Part 16 Nicosia, Cyprus: European Science Education Research Association. ISBN: 978-9963-700-77-http://www.esera.org/publications/esera-conference-proceedings/science-education-research-for-evidence-/strand-16-science-in-the-primary-school/
  10. Gaudiello,I., Zibetti, E. (2012). Educational Robotics & IBSE : a critical point of view to implement pri-sci-net objectives. Proceedings of 9th International Conference Hands on Science. Science Education, Environment and Society; Reconnecting Society with Nature through Hands-on Science. Antalya (Tukey). October, 17- 21, 2012. ISBN 978-989-98032-0-6 (pp. 360).
  11. Gaudiello,I., Zibetti, E., Pinaud, C-A. (2012). Control heuristics for educational robots: a pilot study. In M.Moro & D. Alimisis (Eds.). Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop "Teaching Robotics, Teaching with Robotics": Integrating robotics in school curriculum. (pp. 67-75) ISBN 978-88-95872-05-6. Riva del Garda (Trento, Italy). April 20, 2012. http://www.terecop.eu/TRTWR2012/proceedings.htm
  12. Zibetti, E., Eyraud, R., Chevalier, A., (2011). « Devoir de maths » ou « pour mardi » ? La nature des informations à externaliser pour faciliter la planification des élèves. In C. Bastien, J. Cegarra, A. Chevalier, J. Dinet, N. Gregori & V. Grosjean (Eds.). Actes du 6 ème Colloque de Psychologie Ergonomique Nancy EPIQUE (pp. 385-400). Presses Universitaires de Nancy. 5-7 Septembre, Université Paul Verlaine Metz, France.
  13. Zibetti, E., Gaudiello,I., Tijus, C. Besson, V. (2011). Effet de la sémantique du but sur les heuristiques de résolution de problèmes dans des tâches d’exploration spatiale. 53ème édition du Congrès National de Psychologie (SFP 2011). Actes du Congrès 2011 de la Société Française de Psychologie : La pratique : un lieu des théories. (pp.270-272). Université Paul Verlaine, Metz, France, 7-9 Septembre.
  14. Gaudiello,I., Tijus, C. Zibetti, E. (2011). Du schéma d’action à la symbolisation : programmer des tâches robotiques pour favoriser l’apprentissage de l’arithmétique élémentaire. 53ème édition du Congrès National de Psychologie (SFP 2011). Actes du Congrès 2011 de la Société Française de Psychologie : « La pratique : un lieu des théories» (pp.128-129). Université Paul Verlaine, Metz, France, 7-9 Septembre.
  15. Gaudiello,I., Zibetti, E., Carrignon, S. (2010). Representations to go: learning robotics, learning by robotics. In Emanuele Menegatti (Ed.), Proceedings of SIMPAR 2010 Workshops Intl. Conf. on SIMULATION, MODELING and PROGRAMMING for AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS (pp. 484-493). ISBN 978-3-00-032863-3. Darmstadt (Germany) 14 November. http://www.terecop.eu/SIMPAR2010/proceedings.html
  16. Zibetti, E., Besson, V., Tijus, C., Salvador-Beltran, F., Quera, V., Sabouret, N., Simonin, O., Beynier, A. (2009). De l’humain au robot : heuristiques cognitives pour robots mobiles. Actes du Congrès 2009 de la Société Française de Psychologie : « psychologie et enjeux de société » Congrès national de la SFP'09. http://congres-sfp2009.psylone.com/page4.php (pp.150). 17-19 Juin 2009. Université de Toulouse Le Mirail, Toulouse, France.
  17. 17.   Zibetti, E., Tijus C., Quera, V., Beltran F.S., Bui, M., Pham, M. (2007). ACACIA-Cooperation: emergent strategies in an evolutionary multi-agents system under environmental constraints. Addendum Contributions to the 5th International Conferences on Research, Innovation & Vision for the Future (RIVF'07). Hanoï, IEEE Computer Society Press. (pp. 19-25). 
  18. Tijus, C., Zibetti, E., Besson, V., Bredeche, N., Kodratoff, Y., Felkin, M., & Hartland, C. (2007). Human heuristics for a team of mobile robots. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conferences on Research, Innovation & Vision for the Future (RIVF'07) (pp. 122-129). Hanoi: Computer Society Press. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=4223062
  19. Tijus, C., Poitrenaud, P., Zibetti, E., Jouen, F., Bui, M., & Pinska, E. (2007). Complexity reduction: Theory, metrics and applications. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conferences on Research, Innovation & Vision for the Future (RIVF'07) (pp. 65-70). Hanoi: Computer Society Press. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=4223036&isYear=2007
  20. Pinska, E., Tijus, C., Jouen, F., Poitrenaud, S. & Zibetti, E. (2006). Reducing cognitive load of air traffic controllers through the modeling of the hierarchical segmentation of inputs. Proceedings of the EUROCONTROL Innovative Research Workshop 2006, (pp. 137-145). 5-7 December 2006. EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre, Brétigny-sur-Orge, France.
  21. Zibetti, E., Tijus, C.A (2005) Understanding Actions : Contextual Dimensions and Heuristics. In A. Dey, B. Kokinov, D. Lake, R.Turner. (Eds.). Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3554, Modelling and Using Context. New-York: Springer. (pp 542-555). (dplp - ACM DL)
  22. Zibetti, E., & Tijus, C.A. (2003). Perceiving Action from Static Images: the Role of Spatial Context. In P. Blackburn, C.Ghidini, R. Turner, F. Giunchiglia (Eds.). Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2680, Modelling and Using Context. New-York: Springer Verlag. (pp. 397-410). (dplp - ACM DL)
  23. Zibetti, E., Quera, V., Beltran, F. S., & Tijus, C.A. (2001). Contextual Categorization: a Mechanism Linking Perception and Knowledge in Modeling and Simulating Perceived Events as Actions. In P. Bouquet, L. Serafini, P. Brézillon, M. Benerecetti, F. Castellani (Eds.). Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2116, Modelling and Using Context. New-York: Springer Verlag. (pp. 395-408). (dplp - ACM DL)
  24. Zibetti, E., Beltran, F., & Tijus, C.A. (2000). Proprietades espacio-contextuales e interpretatión de acontecimientos en térmonos de acción. III Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Psicologia Experimental (SEPEX 2000). (pp. 90). Barcelona 2- 4 mars 2000.
  25. El Fallah-Seghrouchni, A., Geraud, T., Leproux, C., Minano, M., Poitrenaud, S., Quera, V., Beltran, F;S., Tijus, C., Verna, D., & Zibetti, E. (2002). La modélisation-Simulation des actions entreprises par des agents interactifs autonomes : l’étude des inférences relatives à l’action. Actes des Journées ROBEA : Robotique et Entités Artificielles. (p. 103).Toulouse , 24 et 25 octobre 2002.
  26. Zibetti, E., Hamilton, E., & Tijus C.A. (1999). The role of Context in Interpreting Perceived Events as Action. In V. Akman, P. Bouquet, R.Thomason, R. Young (Eds.). Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1688, Modeling and Using Context, New-York: Springer Verlag. (pp. 431-441). (dplp - ACM DL)
  27. Zibetti, E., & Tijus, C.A. (1998). L'interprétation de l'action perçue. Colloque de l'Association pour la Recherche Cognitive. (pp.1-10). Université Paris 8, 11-12 décembre 1998.
  28. Zibetti, E., & Tijus, C.A. (1997). L'effet des propriétés d'objet sur l'interprétation de l'action perçue. Actes du Colloque des Journées Internationales d'Orsay sur les Sciences Cognitives, JIOSC 97. (pp. 197-202). Centre Scientifique d'Orsay, 1-2 décembre 1997.


Sharing of knowledge

  1. Zibetti, E. & Gaudiello, I. (2016). L’usage de la robotique à l'école : que dit la recherche ? Dans la rubrique en ligne Que-Dit-La-Recherche (https://www.reseau-canope.fr/agence-des-usages/lusage-de-la-robotique-a-lecole.html) du réseau Canopé (anciennement Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique, CNDP).
  2. Tijus, C., Zibetti, E. et Chang C-Y. (2015). Les apprentissages à l’heure des technologies cognitives numériques. Administration et éducation la revue de l'Association Françase des Auteurs de l’Education. AFAE, Juin 2015 n° 146 (http://www.education-revue-afae.fr/).